Members of Woman’s Press Club of Indiana have opportunities to seek leadership roles. As officers, board members and committee chairs, members both support the organization and build their own skill sets.
Duties of the President
Preside: The president presides at all meeting, issues all official calls for meetings, and is ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. It it is not possible to attend a meeting, the president must inform the Vice President, who will preside in the President’s place.
Regular formal membership meetings, held in person or online, currently include:
- September (report on NFPW Convention if attended)
- November or December: Education Fund fundraiser (may move to Jan. or Feb.)
- March: Educational program, plus elections every other year
- May: Awards banquet
Regular formal membership meeting agenda includes: approval of last meeting minutes, updates from officers and committee chairs, old business, new business, reminder of upcoming event dates and next meeting date, and, if applicable, introduction of speaker.
There is also a Board planning meeting in July to set dates for the next four formal membership meetings and to discuss ideas/speakers for the next March educational program. If Events Committee chairperson role is not filled, seek volunteer coordinators for Nov./Dec., March and May meetings. All members are welcome to attend July planning meeting.
Appoint: The President seeks volunteers for and appoints committee chairpersons (currently High School Contest, Professional Writing Contest, Prison Writing Contest, Website Manager, Events, Historian and Scholarship, plus elections-nominating committee every other year).
Communicate: Meet monthly with officers and chairs for updates on activities, asking if they need any help. In lieu of meeting, seek updates from chairpersons then email update on activities and upcoming events to officers and chairpersons.
Contact new members to welcome them, send upcoming membership meeting dates and answer questions.
Tasks: Perform or seek volunteers for tasks performed by unfilled chairperson roles.
Education Fund, Inc.: Serves as a director on the Education Fund, Inc., board. The EFI is a non-profit (WPCI is not). EFI committee meets after September and March membership meetings.
Adapt: Discuss with Board ways to adapt the organization to meet changing needs.
IHS liaison: In the absence of an Historian, send Bulletins, COA, Kate Milner Raab, membership lists and noteworthy member information and organization milestones to Indiana Historical Society.